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You should now have gotten both a broad view and in depth understanding of some of the main issues related to sustainability and hopefully have started formulating in your mind what some of the goals and aims of sustainability have been to date. Take the time to go back through this last section and grapple with some of the key concepts we have used.

Particularly I want you to reflect on:

  • The foundational perspective of social, economic embeddedness in the environment
  • The diversity of efforts to implement this, e.g. doughnut economics.
  • The main general goals of sustainability
  • The complexities of agreeing on components of well-being
  • The problems of measuring sustainability indicators
  • The meaning of integrated future well-being (IFW)
  • The idea that the rate of change of IFW must not decrease over time

If you have any questions about what we have touch upon in this module don’t hesitate to write a message in the discussion board. The next module takes us on to understanding System Dynamics.

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