
1 minute read

In this first section of the course the main aim is to get an understanding of the predicament of the planetary system from the perspective of sustainability. This involves understanding the current situation and the path that led us to it.

This module addresses the following learning objectives:

  • explain how humanity has affected the earth’s ecosystems
  • show a good overview of transdisciplinary methodology

An important prerequisite is the deep understanding that society and nature are one interlinked system, a social-ecological system. This is crucial as it lifts the perspective of a solution from the support system to the people that are part of the system as well as the connections with external systems. Carl Folke will tell us more about this.

The social-ecological perspective illustrated with the sustainable development goals incorporated. This figure illustrates that the biosphere, and the 4 main goals that focus on it, are the basis on which we build the other "spheres" such as society, the economy and the associated sustainability goals

To understand and govern social ecological systems requires a trans-disciplinary approach. This entails not only understandings from different scientific disciplines but also the combination of different kinds of knowledge. The true value of trans-disciplinary approach comes not only from the meeting of people with different perspectives, but the deeper understanding that is created when one person engages in different perspectives. Take some time to let the insights presented in the lectures on transdisciplinarity sink into you.

To give you a thought provoking presentation regarding the relation between understanding and perspectives, have a look at this wonderful talk:

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