Planetary Boundaries

less than 1 minute read

Johan Rockström is well known for being part of a group introducing the planetary boundaries concept in 2009. This concept provides a list of the main limits for planet earth and the current state of how close we are to surpassing these, or how much we already have done so.

Planetary boundaries

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  • Try to relate your own style of living into the planetary boundaries concepts. Which of the boundaries are you probably most contributing to?
  • Which ones could you most easily contribute to relaxing the pressure on?

A statement that we have nine planetary boundaries that humanity must manage safely is a strong statement. Have we selected the right ones? Did we miss some? Here, Johan justifies the selection of these boundaries and presents the process that has led to this selection.

Justifying the boundaries

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Johan Rockström

  • Which of the planetary boundaries where you least aware of?
  • Go to the original paper and read about the boundary you were most unaware of. Try to think about how it relates to your own activities or how it might impact you.

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